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Explorer (4/14)

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  1. kedou

    Apex review

    Aimbot - 9/10 If you encounter an enemy moving at high speed, you will not be able to keep up, and are not very friendly to sniper rifles. Others are very strong. ESP - 9/10 Some non-English names are displayed as "?", and the ESP freezes after a period of time. However, there are no other issues. Radar - 10/10 There is a small deviation between the radar position and the actual position, but it has little impact and can be considered nearly perfect. Glow - 7/10 If it no longer crashes, then it's perfect. I've been using it for over two months and this is my honest review. One of my accounts is already at Diamond level. There are too many angry cheaters in diamond games, so I've started using another account to rank up again.
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