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  1. After using the hack for almost a week I think it's fair to leave a short review. I primarily use ESP to help me find the loot/avoid groups of players. For this the hack is perfect, it has plenty of customization options and a few extras. I'm terrible for getting lost and the extract markers have saved my ass a few times. I haven't relied on the aimbot but when I have decided to use it, it has performed flawlessly. I haven't used it to rage, it makes some of the 'headshot x' or 'shoot legs at xm' quests fun rather than tedious. But I've been impressed by the support offered as well. Another site I've used previously I asked for help on their discord and site and it took about 2 weeks to get a reply. Submitted a ticket here and got a reply almost before I could refresh the page, having someone you can reach quickly goes a long way. The installation was a breeze as well with the information provided via both the site and the launcher itself letting you know what to do and if you missed anything. All in all, I would recommend it :).
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