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Lennyaguillon2307 last won the day on May 26 2024

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  1. The Kern team just rocks, they were able to release product on Game Release date and not only that but offer such a smooth and very good performing product with no bugs or issues even when it being a newly released product. Kern just never fails to deliver. Been using product and so far it has been buttery smooth, sure it has little details that I am sure will get fine-tuned and corrected once feedback starts dropping and the team gets more time on it, but very good performance so far. Settings allow you to be as legit as you want(or not). Very happy with the product and pleased with the performance on a early product build. Would recommend it for anybody looking for safe, legit, and CHEAP!
  2. So far, I was not able to find any other LEGIT and SAFE provider feature rich for this game. Kern-aim HANDS DOWN!!! Runs smooth, no FPS drops, and very stable, also if you want to be legit this is definitely for you!
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