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  1. Mostly fine it works well everything like they said but... You need usb stick (we need to know soon) On rtx 3060 cpu:i5-12 and 16gb ram it works... just meh after 3-4 hrs of gaming it just glitch left and right. Didnt saw 2 players on esp and died by one of them. 1 of 2 party members vanish too cant see box/name or anything Dont sometimes items esp display is without logic 60k stash showing on blue (blue my color for items 300k+) Rarly items esp vanish too. neck and head are same hitbox (head) got one pc freez like i nothing i can do just restart by button ok now to good things Aimbot works just good missing rarly my rate would be 7,5/10 (would be nice to see more hitboxes (ears eyes groin) Esp visuals are pretty clear 6,5/10 Recoil 10/10 you can set it how you want Loot Esp and how you can setup is great. Kernaim imho is 7/10 Just work on stability and ram flod Add lvl of the enemy pmcs. Add worth of pmcs based on what they have in backpack/rig too not only main items. Add special color for devs/mods/sherpas so we can avoid them 🙂
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