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  1. greetings everyone!! i have used the dayz cheat from (KERN AIM) for awhile now and i thought i would give a detailed review of my experience. before i came to kern aim....... i used a few different providers..... i was testing the waters to see which one i liked the best ...... working properly..... etc. OUT OF ALL the providers on the internet available today........ i would say KERN AIM is the best one out there. why?? #1. its easy to use and set up. #2. it works very well..... and does NOT have any real problems most the time. #3. never once have i been banned using KERN AIM......... just play RESPONSIBLY and you wont get banned. simple as that. #4. they have great prices compared to the OTHER PROVIDERS. #5. there is no flickering of the items on screen which was a major problem with OTHER PROVIDERS. #6. they update the cheat regularly. #7. no real disconnection issues...... it does not freeze all the time like OTHER PROVIDERS. the ESP works fantastic...... see all items etc with many options to choose from. the AIMBOT part of it works well too....... but i dont play with that as i only use the esp......... you can select randomly or a select body part or bone to hit. with DAYZ the way it is...............there is so many other ppl with the cheats as well from various providers.......... in my opinion YOU NEED this to stay competitive. even with this im still getting chased all over the map LOL............only i can see who it is!! if your thinking of buying the dayz cheat from KERN AIM............ just do it!! you wont regret it. this is the best cheese out there in my opinion for dayz. very seldom do i ever tell anyone about this....... only my closest trusted friends....... i recommend it to them and they have bought it a few times themselves. they agree its great. LOOK NO FURTHER............dont waste your money on other providers........... BUY KERN AIM!!!! thank you for reading. 🙂
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