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Kernaim last won the day on March 9

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  1. Hello kayos Thank you for taking the time to provide your detailed feedback on our Rust cheat. We're happy to hear that you've enjoyed our cheat for over three months. We understand the occasional need for a reboot due to the esp/aimbot issue and are actively working on improving stability to minimize any interruptions to your gameplay. Regarding features, we appreciate your suggestions and we're taking note of your requested features, we are planning to add more features to our Rust cheat. However, our primary focus has always been and will continue to be the security of our cheats and closet cheating (not HvH). When compared to other options like Dopamine, which, as you mentioned, has faced multiple detections recently (2 detections in 3-4 months AFAIK). Thank you once again for your review πŸ˜„
  2. Keep grinding, we have some customers in top 25 πŸ‘€
  3. Hello Joey We had originally planned to support The Day Before and even developed a working product for it. However, due to the game receiving numerous negative reviews and encountering certain issues, we have temporarily put the development of the cheat on hold. 😞
  4. Hey, thanks for your review πŸ˜„ Regarding aimbot, we understand your concern about the smoothness, we're continuously working on enhancing our cheat, and I'm excited to inform you that improvements in this area are planned, these changes will go live upon EFT: Arena's release You will have the opportunity to have an extremely humanized aimbot, just like on our other games
  5. Hey, thanks for your review As I said in a previous post, vis check will be ready for the official release of the game πŸ™
  6. Hey, we are currently working on our vis check, should be ready for the official game release Thanks for your review and sorry for the inconvenience πŸ˜„
  7. We pushed an update, you can now have customizable settings for each weapons or category πŸ˜„
  8. Hello, thanks for your review Our Rust cheat has just been released and there are still some small details to improve, thank you for your suggestion, we'll work on it πŸ˜„ We've just created the private group for Rust users, I recommend you to join it : https://t.me/kernaim (Message our bot with your key)
  9. We usually don't approve of these kinds of topics, but I'm going to allow this one so everyone will be informed. If you want to play or talk with other users, join us on Telegram, once you joined the canal, send a message to @KAutomate_bot to have access to private groups, everything is automatic and you will be removed from the group once your license expire Telegram : https://T.me/Kernaim When sending a message to @KAutomate_bot on Telegram, use "/access" + your license
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