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Everything posted by kayos

  1. The rust chair Is great for being undetected. Haven't been banned in over 3 months. In terms of reliability, the esp/aimbot will occasionally stop working causing me to reboot my pc but other than that it's great. In terms of features I think it's lacking compared to others on the market but I'm sure over time there will be more features added. Hacker vs hacker is a losing fight with this client. Chairs such as dopeamine on depshop allows you to shoot around corners. If anyone is using this and raging you will lose 100% of the time although I dont mind as dopeamine seems to have a significantly higher ban rate. Some features I'd love to see that dopeamine has is -raid esp: ability to see when someone is raiding anywhere on the map -debug camera: ability to look inside bases (admin flag and the debug camera command on this chair banned me Instantly(it says risky right on it)) -player lookup: lookup players and see info such as last known location, what bases they have been in, ect. -tc access list/sleeping bag: ability to see who has been accessed on a tc or owns a bag/bed -disel barrel esp: adding disel barrel to esp As someone who switches back and forth between chairs, if those features were added I would use the service exclusively.
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