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Dayz review


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Hi all.. excuse me in advance for my bad English.

I would like to share my experience with dayz cheat.

I was using many other providers before buying kernaim, but I had a lot of global bans using them.

I am using kernaim for 3 weeks and I am very satisfied.

Maybe this hack is less raging than others I tried but I prefer to keep my account safe instead of raging a whole map and loose my account.

I feel very secure using kernaim.

For the cheat himself:

Menu 9/10 works great and after a little time to understand it it is very easy to use.

ESP 9/10  Sometimes a little laggy with players, but for the loot it is perfect

The new option to withelist friends is awfull.

Aimbot 8/10  most of times i don't use it, but when  i used it i noticed some fails . Maybe I don't know how to configure it to my play style to be 100% accurate,  sometimes I one hit, sometimes I shoot several bullets without hitting 

Free cam 8/10 very helpful option to spy players building ,bases etc..

The negative thing about it is the movement speed that is too fast to be accurate,maybe if we could set freecam speed with mouse central wheel could help.

The only thing I miss would be namalsk cities on esp like chernarus.

I like using kernaim even if sometimes i die because it helps me to seem legit,  especially on community servers where admins are watching us.

I recommend kernaim and will subscribe again

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