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Review (DayZ)


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I was recommended KAIM~ by Deprimere (known him since the beginning on/off as I'm a developer myself)

It's an external (internals are more intrusive to the client and have higher detection rates <+/- mostly accurate comment>

For an external it performs extremely well, I notice no discernable framedrop - though if your PC is CPU limited already by DayZ, you might notice a slight dip (though there's quite a few ways to increase your FPS massively to more than offset that dip).


You can still rage via the SILENT AIM feature. Check documentation for tips on usage.


If you're a greyhat, Kernaim is incredibly worthy of your dollar - especially when it's on sale for 30$ as you'll find no competitor that can match.

If you're a straight rager on officials, I don't like you but you can definitely accomplish that with Kernaim.


Overall; for lowkey usage (going under the radar - I'd give KernAIM a 9/10)


CFTOOLS (admin utility/database for most community servers will catch you if you're not extremely careful and demonstrate high KDR/ESP(run to good loot) with terrible/low gamesense.


Staff is rather active in Telegram; ontop of a few know-how users filling in a lot of the gaps with questions on there.

(Staff isn't obligated to support Telegram, it's mostly just a degenerate chatroom - opening a livechat/making a thread on this forum will get you official support.

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