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Kernaim EFT 48 Hour review/ranking


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I'm gonna start the first of this with a feature ranking 0/10 10 being the best I'm not gonna do every single feature (it would take hours) I'm going to do this by category and will go into some depth with some of the stuff I find to be worth noting.

AIMBOT: 8/10

(I don't use aimbot as I have many hours in the game and don't need help with aim but when testing from what I have seen it is very nice and easy to use I did have some issues with it not working but it only happened 1 time)

VISUALS: 10/10

(There is little to no FPS drops lag or even stutter with every option on the customization is great being able to color code almost everything there is along with Loot filter and being able toggle it is amazing)

MISC: 8/10

(The Misc is very easy to navigate and is not that confusing the only real issue I had with it was the exploits saying USE AT OWN RISK but then not saying witch ones you should avoid as loot through walls and no visor are safe)

Configs: 5/10

(I get the import/export method is safer and just a saftey precaution but it is kind of annoying having to safe the message text or the code somewhere.

Menu: 10/10

(Very simple easy to navigate menu with a nice look font that is easy to read I'm on a 1440p monitor and a lot of software's and hard to read the text but this software is a perfect size)

in conclusion this is one of the better public software's that I have used and will more than likely continue to use for the reason of it being easy to use with a great level of undetection and simple UI would 100% recommend this software for people interested in buying it

Edited by vibez
Fixed hour time
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