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Apex - Legit


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It stood between Kern ant Clutch. I went with Kern and it hasnt let me down!


This is a very legit performance enhancer for aimboting. I wonder if its even possible to rage with this since its so smooth!

At longer distance make sure ur FOV isnt det to large when multiple enemies is in range then it goes bananas and if u are specced it will fit sure get u called out.

The only issue is aimbot and the Boeck bow which wont connect at larger distances since the FOV is messing up some how.


I just renewed for a month .


If 2 payment solutions were added PayPal and Bitcoin-payment these will for sure increase your customers satisfaction.


I have played a week with your solution and havent been called out once. Fantastic feature in the misc settings - disable aimbot when specctated!



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